
Risk-based approach(风险导向审计方法)是什么_2021年ACCA考试AA知识点

来源:东奥会计在线责编:杨柳2021-05-07 11:07:11




 Risk-based approach 风险导向审计方法


 Risk-based approach 风险导向审计方法

 Risk-based approach 风险导向审计方法

The ISAs require auditors to adopt a risk-based approach to audit, which means the auditor must:

(1) Analyze the risk in the client’s business, transactions and systems that could lead to material misstatement in the FS.

(2) Direct their testing to risky areas.

Audit risk

Audit risk is the risk that the auditor expresses an inappropriate audit opinion when the FS are materially misstated.

It has two major components:

(1) The risk of material misstatement arising in the FS which is dependent on the entity.

(2) The risk that the auditor will not detect material misstatements in the FS which is dependent on the auditor.

Component parts of audit risk

Audit risk = Inherent risk × Control risk × Detection risk


Inherent risk and control risk together form the 'risk of material misstatement' or 'financial statement risk’.

Inherent risk

IR is the susceptibility of an assertion to a material misstatement, either individually or when aggregated with other misstatements, assuming that there were no related internal controls.

Inherent risk is affected by:

(1) The nature of the entity.

(2) The nature of the strategies it adopts.

IR is greater for some assertions and related classes of transactions, account balances, and disclosures than for others.

(1) Complex calculations are more likely to be misstated than simple calculation

(2) Accounts consisting of amounts derived from accounting estimates pose greater risks than accounts consisting of relatively routine, factual data.

Business risk

BR is a risk resulting from:

(1) The setting of inappropriate objectives and strategies.

(2) Significant conditions, events, circumstances, actions or inactions that could adversely affect an entity’s ability to achieve its objectives and execute its strategies.

Control risk

The risk that a misstatement could occur in an assertion that could be material, either individually or when aggregated with other misstatements, which will not be prevented, or detected and corrected, on a timely basis by the entity's internal control.

Some control risk will always exist.

Detection risk

The risk that the auditor's procedures will not detect a misstatement that exists in an assertion that could be material either individually or when aggregated with other misstatements.

DR is a function of the effectiveness of:

(1) An audit procedure.

(2) Its application by the auditor.

DR is primarily the consequence of sampling risk and non-sampling risk.

Management of audit risk

Auditors want their overall audit risk to be at an acceptable level.

Auditors cannot change the level of inherent risk or control risk, therefore they manage audit risk by adjusting detection risk.

The more audit work the auditors carry out, the lower the detection risk.

DR can never be eliminated.




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