
Interim and final audits是什么_2021年ACCA考试AA知识点

来源:东奥会计在线责编:杨柳2021-08-09 13:16:31




 Interim and final audits 中期审计和年末审计


 Interim and final audits 中期审计和年末审计

 Interim and final audits 中期审计和年末审计

Difference between Interim and final audits

Auditors usually carry out their audit work for a financial year in one or more sittings.

The interim audit visits are carried out during the period of review.

The final audit visit will take place after the year end.

Interim audits

The purpose of the interim audit is to:

Carry out procedures that would be difficult to perform at the year-end because of time constraints.

The interim audits usually include:

(1) Planning and risk assessment

(2) Documenting and testing internal controls

(3) Some substantive procedures may be carried out

Final audit

The final audit focuses on:

(1) The audit of the FS

(2) Finalization of audit report

To substantive procedures performed in interim audits, the auditor shall:

Perform further substantive procedures

Perform tests of controls to cover the remaining time period


The final audit will take account of conclusions reached at all audit visits.

Some audit procedures can only be performed at the final audit visit, such as examining adjustments made during the process of preparing the FS.

The higher the risk of material misstatement, the more likely it is that the auditor will decide to perform substantive procedures to the period end.

Procedures likely to be adopted at interim audit

(1) Gaining an understanding of the entity.

(2) Inherent risk assessment.

(3) Recording the entity’s system of internal control.

(4) Evaluating the design of internal controls.

(5) Carrying out tests of control.

(6) Performing substantive testing of transactions/balances.

(7) Identification of issues that may have an impact on work to take place at the final audit.

Procedures likely to be adopted at final audit

(1) Substantive procedures to verify balances and amounts.

(2) Obtaining third-party confirmations.

(3) Analytical procedures.

(4) Subsequent events review.

(5) Agreeing the FS to the accounting records.

(6) Examining adjustments made.

(7) Considering the going concern status of the entity.

(8) Verifying the conclusions formed at the interim audit.

(9) Obtaining written representations.

Impact of interim audit on the final audit in general

(1) To provide users of the FS with the audited accounts sooner.

(2) To assist in identifying significant matters earlier and help resolve them with management’s assistance.

(3) To develop an effective audit approach to address significant matters at an early stage.

(4) To reduces the time taken at the final audit to gain the remaining sufficient appropriate audit evidence.

Impact of interim audit work relating to internal controls on the final audit

If the auditor obtains audit evidence about the operating effectiveness of controls at the interim audit, then in the final audit, the auditor can focus on:

(1) Obtaining audit evidence about significant changes to those controls subsequent to the interim period.

(2) Determining the additional audit evidence to be obtained for the remaining period.

Impact of substantive procedures performed during the interim audit on the final audit

If substantive procedures are performed at an interim date, the auditor must cover the remaining period by performing:

(1) Substantive procedures

(2) Substantive procedures combined with tests of controls for the remaining period.

Conclusions will have been reached on the testing carried out at the interim audit and the auditor has to carry out procedures necessary to provide a reasonable basis for extending the audit conclusions to the period end.




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