Benefits of using test data是什么_2023年ACCA考试AA知识点
百句空言,不如一个行动。acca被称为“国际财会界的通行证”,含金量比较高。在备考期间,同学们需要严格执行学习计划,多做历年真题与模拟试题,争取早日拿到acca证书。今天整理了AA科目Benefits of using test data(测试数据的好处)相关知识点,具体内容如下。
Benefits of using test data-测试数据的好处
Benefits of using test data-测试数据的好处
Benefits of using test data-测试数据的好处
Test data provides evidence that the software or computer system used by the client are working effectively by testing the program controls.
In some cases, there may be no other way to test some program controls.
Once the basic test data have been designed, the level of ongoing time needed, and costs incurred is likely to be relatively low until the client's systems change.