Types of data(数据类型)是什么_2023年ACCA考试MA知识点
抱怨身处黑暗,不如提灯前行。ACCA是国际注册会计师证书,含金量比较高。想要参加考试的同学需要提前制定学习计划,争取早日拿到ACCA证书。今天整理了MA科目Types of data(数据类型)相关知识点,准备报名acca的同学们一起来看看吧,具体内容如下。
Types of data-数据类型
Types of data-数据类型
Types of data-数据类型
Primary and Secondary data:
Primary data are data collected especially/particularly for a specific purpose.
Secondary data are data which have already been collected elsewhere, for some other purpose, but which can be used or adapted for the survey being conducted.