IFRS Regulatory System是什么_2023年ACCA考试FA知识点
智足以拒谏,言足以饰非。acca每年有四个考季,分别在每年的3月份、6月份、9月份与12月份。同学们需严格执行学习计划,学习基础知识点。今天东奥小编为大家整理了FA科目IFRS Regulatory System(国际会计准则监管体系)知识点,准备报名的同学们来看看吧。
IFRS Regulatory System-国际会计准则监管体系
IFRS Regulatory System-国际会计准则监管体系
IFRS Regulatory System-国际会计准则监管体系
Objectives of IFRS Foundation:
- develop global accounting standards
- promote the use and rigorous application of those standards
- bring about convergence of national accounting standards
- take account of the needs of emerging economies and SMEs
IASB is responsible for issuing new IFRSs
International financial reporting interpretation committee (IFRIC): issue rapid guidance where there are differing interpretations of IAS/IFRSs.
Standard Advisory Council (SAC): advise the IASB in developing new accounting standards and provide a forum for discussion.