Evaluation of target costing是什么_2023年ACCA考试PM知识点
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Evaluation of target costing-目标成本法的评价
Evaluation of target costing-目标成本法的评价
Evaluation of target costing-目标成本法的评价
1) Price-led costing improved competitiveness of the company.(external focus)
2) Focus on customer.(market-driven, design products that satisfy customer demand and at a price acceptable to the customers.)
3) Focus on product design.(specify raw materials in need, as well as labor, machinery and other elements of the production process for both new and existing product innovation.)
4) Better and early cost control.
5) Reduces the time taken to get a product to market.
6) More flexible to work as a benchmarks for continuous improvement and cost saving.
• However unrealistic and unachievable targets can be demotivating.
• It may be not easy to find a suitable market price.