路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。不断探索,不断学习,用知识的力量武装自己。acca考试科目多,需要的备考周期长。同学们在备考期间需要制定能够落地的备考计划,认真学习、复习基础知识点。今天整理了SBL科目Porter’s five forces model(波特五力模型)相关知识点,详见正文。
Porter’s five forces model-波特五力模型
Porter’s five forces model-波特五力模型
Porter’s five forces model-波特五力模型
The 5 Forces Model structurally analyses an entire industry or strategic group of close competitors, and has two main uses:
a) Understanding the inherent attractiveness or profitability of a particular market segment (or industry), then
b) Identifying actions relating to each individual force on the organisation that:
mitigate their damaging effects (threats),
and/or promote the beneficial effects (opportunities).
注:以上来自24年基础精讲班-Hilda Zhu