用脑思考,用心琢磨,用行动证实。2024年9月acca考试报名正在进行中,报名的考生认真执行备考计划,巩固基础知识点。今天为大家整理了BT科目Financial accounting and management accounting(财务会计和管理会计)相关知识点,详见正文。
Financial accounting and management accounting-财务会计和管理会计
Financial accounting and management accounting-财务会计和管理会计
Financial accounting and management accounting-财务会计和管理会计
•Financial accountingis mainly a method ofreporting the results and financial positionof a business. A companyshouldproduce accounts to be presented to theshareholders (External user)
•Management accountingis a management information system which analyses data toprovide information as a basis for managerial action. Present accounting information in the form most helpful tomanagement (Internal user)
注:以上内容来自Shine Wu老师23年基础精讲班第31讲