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· 期内所得税分摊(intraperiod tax allocation)(美) (2007-8-28 15:00:32)
· 权益结合法(pooling of interest method) (2007-8-28 15:00:29)
· 企业整体价值(the value of an enterprise as a whole) (2007-8-28 15:00:28)
· 购买法(purchase methed) (2007-8-28 15:00:28)
· 合并会计报表(consolidated financial statements) (2007-8-28 15:00:28)

· 合并价差(cost-book value differentials) (2007-8-28 15:00:28)
· 合并现金流量表(consolidated statement of cash flow) (2007-8-28 15:00:25)
· 合并主体的所得税会计(accounting for income taxes of consolidated entities)(美) (2007-8-28 15:00:25)
· 合并资产负债表(consolidated balance sheet) (2007-8-28 15:00:24)
· 合伙企业(partnership enterprise) (2007-8-28 15:00:24)

· 内部往来(transactions between home office and branches) (2007-8-28 15:00:24)
· 年度报告(annual report) (2007-8-28 15:00:21)
· 企业集团(business qroup) (2007-8-28 15:00:21)
· 金融工具(financial instruments) (2007-8-28 15:00:21)
· 举债经营融资租赁(leveraged lease) (2007-8-28 15:00:21)

· 期货交易(futures transaction) (2007-8-28 15:00:20)
· 期货交易市场(market of futures transaction) (2007-8-28 15:00:17)
· 合并每股收益(consolidated EPS) (2007-8-28 15:00:17)
· 安全付款表(safe payments schedule) (2007-8-28 15:00:17)
· 现金分配计划(cash distribution plan) (2007-8-28 15:00:17)

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