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· 营业外收支净额 (2007-8-28 14:54:01)
· 加速折旧法(accelerated depreciation methods) (2007-8-28 14:54:01)
· 公司债券利息摊销 (2007-8-28 14:54:01)
· 可转换债券(convertible bonds) (2007-8-28 14:53:57)
· 固定资产折旧(depreciation of fixed assets) (2007-8-28 14:53:57)

· 公司债券发行价格(corporate bond issuing price) (2007-8-28 14:53:57)
· 收入的确认(recognition of revenue) (2007-8-28 14:53:57)
· 期间费用 (2007-8-28 14:53:57)
· 结算账户(settlement accounts) (2007-8-28 14:50:19)
· 简单分录(simple entry) (2007-8-28 14:50:16)

· 记账凭证汇总表核算形式(bookkeeping procedure using categorized account summary) (2007-8-28 14:50:16)
· 记账凭证核算形式(Bookkeeping proced ureusing vouchers) (2007-8-28 14:50:16)
· 记账凭证(voucher) (2007-8-28 14:50:16)
· 记账规则(recording rules) (2007-8-28 14:50:16)
· 记账方法(bookkeeping methods) (2007-8-28 14:50:13)

· 计价对比账户(matching accounts) (2007-8-28 14:50:13)
· 集合分配账户(clearing accounts) (2007-8-28 14:50:12)
· 活页式账簿(loose-leaf book) (2007-8-28 14:50:12)
· 会计账簿(Book of accounts) (2007-8-28 14:50:12)
· 会计循环(accounting cycle) (2007-8-28 14:50:09)

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