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· 市场附加值 (2007-8-28 15:00:13)
· 独立董事(independent director) (2007-8-28 15:00:13)
· 应交折基金【旧】 (2007-8-28 14:54:15)
· 债券赎回 (2007-8-28 14:54:12)
· 固定资产扩建(additions of fixed assets) (2007-8-28 14:54:12)

· 基本业务利润 (2007-8-28 14:54:12)
· 应付福利费 (2007-8-28 14:54:12)
· 可变现净值法(net realizable value) (2007-8-28 14:54:11)
· 损益表法 (2007-8-28 14:54:08)
· 收益总括观点(all-inclusive concept of income) (2007-8-28 14:54:08)

· 实地盘存制(periodic inventory system) (2007-8-28 14:54:08)
· 固定资产更换与改良(improvements and replacements of fixed assets) (2007-8-28 14:54:08)
· 在发建工程(constructions in process) (2007-8-28 14:54:08)
· 先进先出去(first-in,first-out缩写FIFO) (2007-8-28 14:54:05)
· 应付票据贴现(discount on notes payable) (2007-8-28 14:54:04)

· 其他货币资金 (2007-8-28 14:54:04)
· 后进先出法(last-in,first-out,LIFO) (2007-8-28 14:54:04)
· 无担保债券(debenture bonds) (2007-8-28 14:54:04)
· 应收账款出借(assignment of accounts receivable) (2007-8-28 14:54:01)
· 公司债券利率(interest rate on debenture) (2007-8-28 14:54:01)

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